Rewire’s Makeover: What Does it all Mean?

As you might have noticed, Rewire’s whole look has changed. Today I’m glad to share this exciting new phase of our brand’s evolution with you, our customers worldwide.

How did it all start? Rewire began with the idea of simplifying money transfers for migrants. Four years ago, we realized that there was an entire group of people who needed a simple, safe service to transfer money. These people — migrants — had made a tough decision to leave their loved ones behind in order to provide themselves and their families with a better life. However, while we sympathized with and shared their aspirations, most local financial institutions underserved and often neglected them. It was time for a change, and we decided to help.

At first, there were only five of us, trying to bring our vision to life in a small office. But after a few years, our determination and hard work resulted in a flourishing business. Today Rewire is much more than a money transfer company, as we provide the whole spectrum of personalized financial services to tens of thousands of migrants. Rewire currently supports 10 nationalities across 20+ countries, and this is just the beginning.

We provide financial services that make migrants feel at home!

The key concept is the same: here at Rewire, we develop unique services for migrants and are proud to serve them. Over the years, we have always been driven by the goal of becoming the first brand where migrants are VIP customers.

So, what has changed? Glad you asked. We’re revamping everything from the way we communicate and act, to the way our products look and feel, all with the aim of better reflecting our core Rewire principles.

As a primary example of these changes, let’s have a look at our logo! (As seen above). Its friendly new design focuses on the “we” (or “wi”) at the heart of the Rewire community, conveying the message of “You Belong” as Rewire brings people from all countries and backgrounds together. No matter where you’re from, you have a home here at Rewire.

Another improvement that holds a special place in my heart is our new contactless Rewire Mastercard. Its attractive modern design is not only super neat — it’s practical too, as it protects our customers’ data. All of your personal information is strategically placed on the back of the card to eliminate any unwanted exposure.


Have a look at our revamped Website and App as well.
Rewire has achieved many milestones over the years. I am so proud of our amazing team around the world, and even more thankful to our customers who have made Rewire’s growth possible. Our journey has only just begun… Stay tuned for more exciting Rewire news!


Guy Kashtan
CEO & Co-Founder