Send Money From Israel to India

Indian migrants in Israel have a lot to get used to when they get here. For starters, Hebrew can be a tough language to pick up, and the culture and society here operate differently than back in India. Still, with all the obstacles of integrating into a new society, finding ways to process a money transfer from Israel is relatively pain-free. Let’s go over some of the ways to send moneyto India from Israel.

Money Transfer from Israel to India

Indian migrants living in Israel have a few options for sending their hard-earned money back home to their families. Some are more traditional options, and some are newer services that offer a more accessible alternative option.

  • Banks and transfer bureaus: you can visit a wire transfer bureau or a local bank in Israel to send money to India, but you’ll have to contend with the language barrier, high fees, limited opening hours, and occasionally some bureaucratic red tape. Still, for Indians in Israel with a functioning Israeli bank account, this is a good option.
  • Online money transfer: Use an online service where you can transfer money at your own convenience. These types of services come with reasonable fees, often have customer service representatives that speak your language, and you can send money at any time rather than have to wait for a bank’s opening hours.

The Indian Community in Israel

A good way to get a good feel for how to send money to India and also how to settle into Israeli life is to connect with the existing migrant community. There are quite a few Indian migrants who come to work and live in Israel, so it can be helpful to hear how they’ve managed to handle things like finances, integrating, and keeping their culture from back home. You can begin your search online with Facebook groups to start connecting with people. Here are a few you can look at:

  • Indians in Israel – a group where Indian workers and caregivers share tips and ask questions about life in Israel
  • Indian Community in Israel – a group for Indians living in Israel to share events happening around the country
  • Indian Caregivers in Israel – a group for Indian caregivers in Israel to connect with each other
  • Hakeren – a great organization to follow for information about foreign worker’s rights in Israel
  • Community manager – connect with the community manager for Indian migrants in Israel to get an introduction to other Indians in your area

Indian Groceries in Israel

Aside from building a community in Israel, many Indian migrants also want to keep their traditions from home, including indulging in the same meals that they’re used to. Luckily, there are quite a few Indian restaurants and grocery stores in Israel, many of which are found in Tel Aviv. East-West has a few locations and sells some common Indian products, and then there are speciality stores like the Jai Ho Grocery Store and Om India Store in south Tel Aviv. Several other big cities like Jerusalem and Haifa also have some small speciality shops selling Indian products.

Where to Visit in Israel

While Hinduism doesn’t have much prominence in Israel, there are still plenty of sites to see and appreciate if you’re moving here. Some of the places you should definitely visit outside of Tel Aviv include Jerusalem, the home of the three Abrahamic religions. Here, you’ll find many interesting cultural and religious sites to explore. The Dead Sea is also a must-see for anyone in Israel, as it’s the lowest point on earth and visitors love floating in the salty water. In the north of the country, there Galilee is a beautiful region to explore full of mountains, streams, and beautiful sites for a day out or a family picnic.

To Wrap Up

Moving to Israel can be a challenge for Indian migrants, but once you figure out the basics like how to transfer money to India, get around the country, and find your footing with the Indian migrant community, there’s a lot to love. Many Indian migrants here still find ways to keep their culture while appreciating the new one they find themselves in, making for a rich experience while living and working in a new country.