Wiring money overseas? Get to know these global money-related superstitious beliefs

The idea of fortune connects the concept of money with luck. Even though finance is a very serious and logical topic, it has always been a source of superstitious beliefs. Some make sense more than others. 

If you’ve migrated to Israel for work, soon enough you’ll realize that almost everyone who lives in Israel was a migrant at some point. Whether they came from Europe, Africa, or anywhere else from around the globe, they brought riches, intellect, culture, as well as superstitious beliefs from their country of origin.

Learning how locals view these traditional beliefs is not only fun but also meaningful. It will teach you something valuable about the people who compile the Israeli culture, enable you to fit in a little better, and allow you to avoid unknowingly offending anyone. Plus, who knows? Maybe there’s some truth to these ideas. 

To help you fit in, we’ve gathered a few interesting superstitious beliefs that Israelis, who were once migrants themselves, still believe in. 

Don’t put your money on the floor

This superstition comes from many different places, including China and some European countries. People believe that this shows disrespect towards the money you earn, which will make your fortune escape. Those of you who come from Thailand or the Philippines may recognize the idea, as people in your country sometimes believe that one should never sweep the floor at night as not to sweep away your luck and the money you’ve earned that day. 

Money attracts money

In some places, like Greece, locals believe that you should always carry money with you to attract more money. In the UK, people sometimes put money in the pocket of new clothes. Once again, this is not an entirely new concept for Filipinos who place coins inside a newly-purchased wallet to invite more money. Another thing to consider is that, in a way, having a money transfer app on your phone means you’re always carrying money around.  

Keep everything in your pocket

It is said that those who keep money in their pocket on the Jewish New Year’s eve (Rosh HaShana), will not lack money throughout the year. Another superstitious belief that has to do with your pocket deals with spiders as, apparently, they bring you luck. If you reached out to your pocket to get your phone (because you’re wiring money overseas using your money transfer app) and found a spider instead, don’t be upset! According to some people in the UK, this means that money is on its way to your pocket as well. Who would have thought? 

In some places, like Italy, the Caribbean islands, and the Czech Republic, people don’t kill spiders because they believe that they bring good financial luck. If you see a spider at work, think twice before introducing it to the bottom of your shoe! 

Even if these superstitions couldn’t offer you any practical knowledge, at least they brought a smile to your face! Remember, money traditions in your country of origin may seem just as amusing to outsiders. 

Any interesting superstitions you believe or follow when it comes to money? Share them with our community.