A Guide to Surviving 2021’s First Lockdown

Everyone was so excited to bid their farewell to 2020 and throw a huge welcome party for 2021. We guess that the party planning didn’t exactly go as planned as 2021 started in lockdown for most of us. But, perhaps a welcome party is more of an internal feeling than an actual party.

You’re already more resilient than you were in 2019. While being away from home and under lockdown is not easy at all, protecting yourself and others from catching covid-19 is the most important and responsible thing to do.

As this is not our first lockdown, we already know how to handle this forced isolation and channel our inner zen. Still, you might find some helpful tips and tricks that will upgrade your experience. 

Further invest in yourself

This is a great time to complete the ultimate wishlist of all the movies, TV series, or fun YouTube videos you’ve always wanted to watch but never found time for. If you don’t have one, there are plenty of sites that created these for you such as IMDB’s top-rated movies

You can develop a new hobby that would continue to accompany you far after covid-19 is eliminated from this world. Painting, writing, singing (even if you’re not good), or any form of art, can help you express yourself, which naturally relieves mental stress.

Another great way to physically invest in yourself is to exercise. Yoga, Pilates, and even cardio workouts can be done at home – either by yourself, with YouTube or with an app. You might want to gear up with some equipment. But in most cases, you’d be able to use everyday items you have at home as a replacement. For example, you can use water bottles instead of weights.         

Do everything online (you already know how to)

The move to digital has been in progress for a long time now. But social distancing and ongoing lockdowns have accelerated this process for those who weren’t used to do their shopping online, pay bills, send money, or even communicate with friends and family digitally. 

Now, you already know how to do almost everything online. And, if there’s anything you’re not sure about, you can always consult with friends. You can even meet friends online through social media groups and forums. 

Light at the end of the tunnel 

The good news is that Israel is at the forefront of the vaccination race and plans on vaccinating everyone within a couple of months. This means that our lives would go back to normal sooner rather than later. And, as the global vaccination race reaches everyone (or at least most people), international borders will reopen and migrants who currently live in Israel will be able to go back home and visit their family and friends.  

One thing we can all agree on is that the lockdown experience has changed everything – both on a personal level and on a social level. We now know how to do everything online, but we appreciate human connections more than ever before. So, while 2021 begins with a lockdown, there is light at the end of this tunnel.