We’ve got your back: paying your bills back home while living abroad

If you are a migrant worker in a foreign country, you probably need to send money home for various purposes: helping family members with tuition, buying groceries, paying medical bills as well as regular bills, making social security payments, and more. 

Migration for any purpose is a difficult and exciting process at the same time, especially when it comes to migration for livelihood and work purposes. It becomes complicated when you need to manage money in more than one country and pay bills in a country you no longer live in. Don’t worry though, you are about to find world-class tips to paying your bills back home while living abroad.

It’s all in the cards: pay online via credit card

Online payments are probably the easiest way to pay bills remotely and you can easily do so using a credit card. Plus, obtaining an international credit or debit card shouldn’t be too much of a hassle once you have your own bank account. 

International transfers: send money to your family so they can pay your bills

Many migrant workers often go on their migration journey in order to help their families and build a solid financial future. To do so, international workers send payments overseas, which are used for basically everything from grocery shopping to down payment to a family’s new home.  

If this is an option for you, you can easily pay your bills back home by sending money to your family and have them make the actual payment. If your next question is “How to send money overseas?” We can honestly say that the answer is easy. There are various ways to send money overseas. The most important tip to choosing the service that suits you best is to carefully vet all options and use the one that seems most reliable to you. 

Keeping you safe in the Philippines: send SSS payments with Rewire

While this is specifically relevant to Filipino expats, each country has its own version of mandatory payments for citizens who are in constant need of a simple and accessible way to make those payments.    

The thing about Social Security System (SSS) payments is that you always need to make the payment – even if you no longer live in the Philippines. Luckily, Rewire has recently opened a unique service that allows Filipino expats to pay SSS online, directly in the Rewire app. Moreover, you can also pay your family’s SSS contributions. 

Whether you need to make a one-off bill payment or a recurring payment each month, it’s important to know that you’ve got a range of safe services and options to help you send payments and continue to enjoy your journey overseas.