Send Money
Within Europe
for Free

Local transfers from and to any European country.

One App for all your transfers
inside and outside of Europe.

The simplest way to send money to your friends, no matter where they live in Europe. Send local transfers from Rewire to any EU bank account without leaving home.

Plus, the recipient doesn’t have to have their own Rewire account to be able to receive payment. 

Rewire Transfers Within Europe

  • Free of any charges.
  • From and to any EU country.
  • No need to leave your home.
  • Available 24/7.
  • Easy to use – just a few simple steps.
  • Completed within 1 business day (it may vary depending on the receiver’s bank).
Check out our FAQ.
Exchange money with friends

4 Simple Steps to Send a Free EU Transfer

Step 1

Go to your Rewire account.

Click on the top 3 dots on the right-hand side and choose “Pay in the EU”.

“Pay in the EU”
add the amount you want to send

Step 2

Enter the amount you would like to transfer. 

Click “Next”

Step 3

Choose “Add Receiver”. Then enter the receiver’s First Name, Last Name, and IBAN. Click “Next”.

This step is required only for the first time transfer. Later on, you can choose one of the receivers you have previously sent money to.

Add Receiver

Step 4

Enter your Password. This step will additionally protect your account.

That’s it! The money is transferred.

Watch our Video Tutorial

This video shows you how to transfer within Europe simply with the Rewire app.
For more information on opening your own IBAN account watch this video.