Who Needs Cash? 4 Reasons to Join the Digital Wallet Revolution

Is your friend’s birthday coming up and a bunch of you are gathering money to buy them a gift? Forget about the hassle of physically exchanging money, dealing with small change, and thinking “How am I supposed to give money to someone who lives in a neighboring country?!”

Rewire now launches local transfers in Europe and enables you to send money locally to your friends via the Rewire app. If you have a Rewire account, you can send money to a friend in any country in Europe, which will be completed within one business day (it may vary depending on the receiver’s bank). Plus, the recipient doesn’t even have to have their own Rewire account to be able to receive payment.

Why should you open a Rewire account anyway? There are several benefits to the digital wallet revolution – here are just a few:

It’s safe
Today, digital payments and online money transfers are probably much safer than the traditional offline method. Password-protected and secured payments are a global standard and Rewire is not only up to code, but also takes extra precautions to make sure your money is safe and secured.

It’s free
While a bank transfer usually means you’d have to pay substantial fees for moving funds from one account to another, especially if the account belongs to a different bank, in a different country – there are online apps that will allow you to move funds around with a single tap on your screen, without any fees.

It’s sanitary
Exchanging physical money has never been more unsanitary and even dangerous than it is today. The crazy days of COVID-19 (aka Coronavirus) have brought new restrictions upon us, and to stay safe, we must keep our distance. Rewire allows you to send money digitally and without any physical risk.

It’s good for the planet
As the world struggles with climate change and searches for sustainable solutions for just about everything – we neglect to notice the smallest items that can contribute to great change. By eliminating the use of physical money, we are reducing its carbon footprint and its negative effect on the planet.

No cash means no cutting cotton and no linen production, no using advanced machinery to process these natural materials into paper money, which eventually means a lot less waste. If you think about it, by using digital tools to transfer money, you’re not only focusing on your own comfort, you’re actually saving the planet.

Whether it’s for sanitary reasons or just because it’s free – go digital. Join your friends and buy an amazing birthday present without worrying about cash, small change or even distance.